Spring is the perfect time to get pro-active, pick up the dust-pan and have a good clean – but not just in your home! It might be time to clean up your business, too. Although you won’t need to grab a cloth and some cleaner. In fact, you may just want to look at how healthy your business is. When’s a better time to roll up your sleeves and get productive than spring? Keep on reading for three ways to get your business ready for Spring.

Optimise Productivity

Start by thinking about what it is you could do better – get your team together for a level 10 meeting. You can identify some of your biggest problems. Ultimately you can all work together to solve them. Whether it’s your ineffective email marketing, or a lack of communication. Whatever it is, find it and fix it. 

There are hundreds of unique problems that could be adversely affecting productivity. Be brutal, the problem could be yourself. The key is to identify it and fix it.

Refine Your Team 

Have a look at your staff – do you know their personal goals? Does it match your businesses’ vision? If your employee’s vision does not align with your own, you may have a problem. Employees without focus or a vision won’t stick around for long. Ultimately you may be wasting your time.

How are your staff performing – Are they all giving their best? If they aren’t, ask yourself what you want to see from them and what they can do to give you that. In short, set them brand new targets to work towards and analyse their capability. You may find that your team are lacking direction and losing their motivation.


Don’t keep it all to yourself. It’s absolutely key to systemise and strategise your business. Frankly, you may have the best business idea since, well, sliced bread! It may be the product your target market sorely needed. However, if it’s all in your head then get it out on paper and turn it into something tangible. 

By effectively strategising your approach to business, your team will thank you. Furthermore, you can start to think about how to take your business further. From taking a back-seat and letting someone run the day to day to franchising. The opportunities that come with turning your business from an idea into a business model are endless. 

To get ahead this spring, why not try out our free business health check tool today?

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